Our main goal is the effective highly professional service of our customers. Your opinion about us matters. We are concerned about your problems. We are not indifferent to the results of our joint activities.
We are a reliable guide in tax legislation jungles.
We will always assist you in finding the answer to the question: “What is the best for you at the moment?”
Our prices are the optimal costs/quality ratio. They depend on the dynamics and details of your company’s activity. We are always open to negotiation, hence “No transactions means the minimum pricing.”
Our professionalism, commitment, and financial responsibility are your guarantees. Our relations are regulated by the agreement where all the terms of our joint work; the boundaries and the extent of our responsibility are expressly stated. We are not afraid of giving guarantees; we just try to do our work well.
We provide the following outsourcing services in Kyiv and Ukraine::
- · Comprehensive/Complex accounting services;
- HR records management/keeping
- Auditing services
- Legal services
- Customs and brokerage services
- Consulting/advisory services.
The key principles of our work are:
- client orientation
- excellent quality of services
- reliability and confidentiality
- high-level professionalism
- individual approach to the clients
- operational efficiency/ expedition and effectiveness/efficiency
- flexibility and competence within the decision-making process
Our services will save your time, energy, money, and minimize the risks.
Ins and outs of business activity in our country and what is accounting outsourcing.
Unfortunately, the taxation system in Ukraine is not perfect, to put it mildly. A huge number of changes within the past two years have led to chaos in the legislative environment. Even the experienced and qualified specialists can’t find a solution immediately without additional study of the legislation, confusing contradictory explanations by fiscal authorities, research of legal precedents. At the same time, the area of responsibility for taxpayers is growing wider, and the businesses have to tighten the belts. In these conditions, it is difficult to survive and develop for the businesses outside the corrupt schemes. Living upon the remains of the past years is no longer an exit but rather a cul-de-sac station. We constantly need to explore ways to optimize not only the tax pressure on the enterprise but also effective management decisions in building the organizational system.
Right now, outsourcing is one of the most efficient means of optimization.
Moreover, not only accounting and legal services but also the simplest activities like cleaning, security, computer systems, HR records management, as well as management in general may be outsourced. It is easier and more economical to attract specialized companies rather than maintain the whole staff of specialists, and, regardless of work ammount, to pay salaries, covers the costs of the social package, training and professional development of employees twice a month. As a rule, companies specializing in providing outsourcing services have a well-established both material, and experiential base, hence, making it possible to provide a high-quality service.
If you do not want to stay up late with your accountant or lawyer studying legislative acts, and afterwards, by trials and errors to bring your art in practice, trying to guess what will come out of all this, then it is better to contact the company that provides accounting services. It saves time, nerves and money.